
NDI ищет владеющих русским работников в Таллинне

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12 Ноя 2014

Действующая в Таллинне программа The National Democratic Institute ищет одного-двух работников: руководителя программ и ассистента или обоих. 

Описание вакансии и организации доступно ниже на английском:

Our work involves democracy development programming focused on Russia. The program officer position involves managing ongoing and upcoming citizen engagement, political process projects, including:

  • Developing selected project concepts, timelines and budgets;
  • Developing training methodology, presentations and related materials;
  • Developing ability to conduct training and managing live and web-based events;
  • Providing political, media and other research and analysis to support programs.

The program assistant/admin position involves providing support for the above and for other program activities, including logistical coordination and management and other support administrative duties.

Both positions require fluency in English and Russian, particularly writing in Russian. A masters degree preferred for program officer; bachelor's degree for program assistant. Competitive salary and we would like those hired to start as soon as possible.

If you know of anyone qualified who might be interested in one of these positions, please have them forward their CV at: rnelson@ndi.org. Feel free to contact if you have any questions.

NDI is a non-profit, non-partisan NGO working to strengthen and support democratic institutions in over 60 countries. (See ndi.org) In our program, we work primarily in supporting citizen participation and engagement, strengthening political parties, improving governing institutions and election monitoring.

Kind regards,

Reid Nelson
Country Director, Russia
National Democratic Institute
+372 5 828 8006 (mobile)
+1 512 380 1064 (skype in)
reid.nelson (skype)