If the glitter of freshly minted eurocoins erased most doubt of Estonia’s place in Europe, the active participation of Estonian volunteer organizations in the 2011 Year of Volunteering should take care of the rest.
As of today, nearly 50 projects have been registered at the Estonian voluteer gateway www.vabatahtlikud.ee and the list is sure to grow. The volunteer gateway will conduct training days around the country throughout the year, focusing on the distribution of information about volunteering in Estonia, informing the public of projects associated with the Year of Volunteering and providing advice and practical tips on involving volunteers in local communities.
Highlights of the Year of Volunteering in the Spring include the European Year of Volunteering Tour, held on May 3rd – May 8th in the lobby of Nokia Concert Hall. The Tour will bring together volunteers from Estonia and the rest of Europe and provide opportunities for exchanging best practices, networking and education.
May is a big month for volunteer action in other respects as well: May 7th is the date of this years Let’s Do It community action day, bringing all sorts of volunteer projects to communities across the country. If past years are anything to judge by, tens of thousands of people are expected to participate.
NENO too participates in the activities of the Year of Volunteering: our annual Summer School will focus this year on improving volunteer participation in civil society.